Dont Stop!
Don’t Stop is a call to forge our own path, and set our own pace. It’s a message of encouragement. When faced with obstacles, we will solve this. When the burden is heavy, we got this.
Don’t Stop has been a longtime mantra and moniker for founder, Anna Serena. Her first Don’t Stop incarnation was a music festival. A festival highlighting the drive and ambition of the region, which ultimately became an annual rallying point for the scene. Don’t Stop’s spirit of inclusiveness led to more opportunities, and the name began to encompass a broader hustle ethos.
Even when the hustle-world froze in 2020, Anna couldn’t stop. She returned to her vintage motorcycle, and deeply embraced the riding community. Growing her stable of bikes, she found chances to ride them alongside anyone willing to have her.
It’s over the past several years, and several thousand miles on a bike, Anna's perception of Don’t Stop has morphed from a chase to a quest.
The broader hope is for Don’t Stop to be a flag or rallying symbol. A symbol that sparks ambition and perseverance. That branches out in all directions. Countless flags, each on their own quest. Forging there own path, with reassurance that there’s at some point they’ll cross paths with a friendly face and be reminded Don’t Stop.